Rick Hein


Representing Friends of Hika Bay and Lakeshore Water Institute

Rick Hein is a Professor of Biology in the Department of Natural and Applied Science at the UW-Green Bay, Manitowoc Campus. Rick earned his B.A. from Lawrence University and Ph.D. from the University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography. He is a coral reef ecologist by training, but current research focuses on water quality of streams in southern Manitowoc County and the impacts of land use on those Lake Michigan watersheds.

He has been teaching and working with students on research projects for 22 years, 19 of them at UW-Green Bay, Manitowoc Campus. His passion is engaging students in and out of the classroom in projects that get them doing “real science” in an effort to retain and develop our next generation of scientists.

Additionally, the projects are collaborative with community partners, especially LNRP; providing a great example of the Wisconsin Idea in our region. Rick lives in Reedsville, and he and his wife Amy enjoy camping and spending time in our public natural areas in Wisconsin and around the country.